
Friday, February 20, 2009

Like my Style?

I have a different kind of style than most people do, but that is just who I am.
If you want to know where I shop: here are a few places I would highly recommend.
(click on the names to visit their online store)

Wet Seal: I can never leave that place without buying something. They have everything. If I was only allowed to shop at one store for the rest of my life, it would be Wet Seal

Journeys: There is no better place for the ultimate shoes than Journeys. You can find anything from flats and vans to boots and heels. They also have some pretty spiffy purses and bags there.

dELiAs: Another great place for just about any kind of fashion. If you like novelty tees, there is a great place to go: and for those who like other items you can get more than just novelty tees. All the way up to dresses and cute tops.

Hot Topic: Used to be the only store I would shop at. Though, I am getting out of my Band tee phase and trying to get more stylish clothes. But Hot Topic does have rather cute clothes. Such as I love their animal print pants and their colored skinnies. Also, I am so tempted to go back and get a black tu-tu.

Zumies: Great for jackets. I got my winter jacket there and I fell in love with it. They also have some pretty nice hats and sunglasses. If you are the skater type: this is your place to be. They have boards hanging along the back wall - and let me tell you, I'm not a skater but those boards look amazing.

Rave/Rave Girl: No Link - Sorry. But Rave/ Rave Girl is a pretty nice place, they have a lot of cool shirts there, I personally like Wet Seal better, but Rave Girl is definitely a place to go and visit.

forever dreaming; 6:50 PM.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First post - the post that will catch you up on everything ... Well, maybe not everything, but quite a bit.

So to begin, I am currently in a modeling class called Barbizon, some of the people they have had in their program before is David Archuleta, from American Idol, Madeline Kragh, who appears in vogue.tv's 'Model Live', and Sheena appears on Cycle 11 of America's Next Top Model. I will be graduating from my class in March.

I recently went to an IMTA audition and out of 600 people they choose less that 15%, and I happened to be one of them. The classes begin the first week of March and will continue out until July. July 12 - 19, I will be in New York city for the IMTA show. For me, this is huge. I am so excited. I might even get to see a really good friend of mine named Vik (Vikram). He lives in NJ, where I used to live in 6th grade. He is one of the few good friends I have.

As for my personal life: There isn't much.
I am home schooling, which has its up's and down's, just like anything else. Though, I am less stressed now, and being at home has really opened my eyes to who I truly am and has shown me who my true friends are and the true colors of those who never thought of me as a friend. I won't post the entire story about it because it is rather petty if you ask me. All I will say is that I tried to keep my friends, but they deserted me. Though, I expected it. They never really acted like friends anyway. Though the reason I brought this up is that one friend, who's name I will not say: tells me that the Barbizon thing and the IMTA thing is a fake. But it isn't, and she sits there and tells me I am pathetic? Here I am doing what is best for me, setting up a career for myself and fully planning on attending a college as well, and she tells me I'm pathetic? Well, my attitude goes along with the song by Paramore with the lyrics "Just watch my wildest dreams come true, not one of them involving you" because I fully intend on going on my way and continuing to aim for higher grounds. I will never understand some people. But, you know what, whatever. It really isn't my business. I will close this chapter of my life forever and open a new one in hopes to make it better and befriend people who genuinely care. What I mean by this whole paragraph and bringing up the conversation with a "friend" is that I am not going to let people bring me down and I am not going to let others' opinions take away from my dreams and goals. I want people in my life who are going to support me. And accept me for who I am.

About the finding myself business: I realized that people in a school environment will dress in a certain way, act a certain way, and hang in certain crowds. And I realize that the fashion I had, (which really wasn't fashion at all), wasn't truly how I wanted to dress. But, it was more of what my friends liked. So from this point onward I am vowing to not dress for other's likes (unless for modeling, which is obvious) but for my own. So that I myself can be exactly that: myself.

forever dreaming; 6:37 PM.



Age; 15
Gender; Female
Eyes; Green
Hair; Darkest Brown
Stands; 5ft 4
Scale; 97lbs

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February 2009 March 2009
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